Monday, May 26, 2008


That morning was actually my evening. I had been getting up at around 7 in the evening and going to bed at around 10 or so in the morning. I was sitting in the little room that I call my office and spending some quality time with the computer. It had been threatening to storm all night. I had the windows closed but I could hear the wind blowing so I knew something was up. I walked into the living room and looked out the patio door. It was pretty windy and so I grabbed the handle and slid open the door. Aahhh. I love the fresh smell of rain and even when it's cold out I'll still keep the window open for as long as I can stand it. That morning it was pretty warm though and I actually had the air on earlier in the evening. My butt needed a rest from the office chair and so I sat on the couch and turned on the TV. The Simpsons disc that I was watching earlier was in the DVD player so I figured I should watch that so that I could send it back. (netflix) I was starting to hear the ping ping ping sound from the vent above the stove that tells me that it has started to rain. The thunder started to get really loud and a couple of times I actually jumped, it was that loud. My silly cat had long since made her way into the bedroom at the first thunder clap. Not quite running, but very low to the ground, she hurries to the safety under my bed. That meant that it would be a while before I saw her again. It rained heavily off and on for the rest of the morning and when it slowly became light it was that beautiful dark bluish grey that I love and that makes the green of the trees a more vibrant green. When it became a little lighter there were some white clouds in the sky that were all crowded in with the dark ones and it looked like a puffy, rumpled blanket. That blanket is actually making me sleepy ahead of schedule.

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